Dentist & Medical WordPress Theme

  • Created : 14th February 2023
  • Author by : Stronghold Themes
  • Support via Email :
  • Thank you for purchasing this theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to contact us. Thank you very much!

WordPress Information #back to top

Before you can install and use this theme, you will need to setup and install WordPress on your server. The links below can provide useful information on setting up WordPress as well as some general information on the WordPress platform.

Dental Care Requirements #back to top

Before you begin installing the theme, you should make sure that the PHP configuration limits of your hosting meet the minimum requirements outlined below. Although the theme may still install in some cases, if you run into any trouble while importing demo content it maybe because of your PHP configuration limits.

  • upload_max_filesize 32M
  • post_max_size 32M
  • max_execution_time 90
  • memory_limit 128M

FTP Theme Installation #back to top

  1. Unzip the file to get the dental-care theme folder
  2. Use your ftp client to navigate to the themes folder. To do this click the (wp-content) folder then click the themes folder.
  3. Upload the dental-care folder to the themes folder
  4. Login to the WordPress admin dashboard.
  5. Click Appearance => Themes.
  6. Click the Activate button by the Dental Care theme.

WordPress Dashboard Installation #back to top

  1. Login
  2. Click Appearance => Themes => Add New

  3. Click Upload Theme

  4. Click Choose File then navigate to where the theme is downloaded and choose to upload it.
  5. Next click Install Now to begin the installation process.

  6. When the installation is finished click Activate to complete the process.

Required Plugin Installation #back to top

After installing and activating the theme you will be presented with a message indicating that the theme requires some plugins. You should install these plugins for optimal usage of the theme.

  1. To install these plugin, first click Begin installing plugins.

  2. Click the checkbox next to each plugin you want to install then choose Install from the dropdown and click Apply.

  3. All required plugins should now be installed and activated.

How to Update Theme #back to top

The theme can be updated using one of the methods mentioned below.

  1. FTP Theme Upgrade
  2. Dashboard Theme Upgrade
  3. Envato Market Plugin

FTP Theme Upgrade

The process of updating the theme via FTP will be the same as the FTP upload installation, so you can repeat those steps to update the theme.

When working with WordPress your content (pages, posts, menus and custom post type posts) and custom theme option styles and settings are stored in the database not the theme files. This means that deleting the theme folder then re uploading it will not delete your content.

Dashboard Theme Upgrade

You can follow the steps below to update the theme using your dashboard.

  1. Appearance => Themes.
  2. Click Add New, to the top of the themes page.
  3. Next click Upload Theme then click Choose File to select the theme zip folder. Then click Install Now.
  4. After it is finished installing click Activate to finish.
  5. You can also repeat these steps to add the included child theme.

When working with WordPress your content (pages, posts, menus and custom post type posts) and custom theme option styles and settings are stored in the database not the theme files. This means that deleting the theme folder then re uploading it will not delete your content.

Envato Market Plugin

To update the theme using the Envato market plug-in you first need to make sure you have it installed and activated.

  1. From the WordPress dashboard click Envato Market.
  2. Next click generate a personal token to create an Envato API personal token.
  3. On the next screen use your Themeforest login information to sign in. Then enter a token name and click Create Token.
  4. Paste the generated token in Token field in the Envato market plug-in and click Save Changes.
  5. With this plug-in setup you will receive theme updates automatically in your dashboard.

Demo Importation #back to top

You can follow the steps below to import demo data.

  1. Go to Appearance => Dental Care Demo Data Import
  2. Next click the Import Demo button below the demo you wish to import.

  3. On the next screen click Continue & Import to finish the process.

Elementor Setup #back to top

  1. From the WordPress dashboard, click Elementor => Settings.
  2. Select the post types you wish to use with Elementor by clicking the checkbox.
  3. Next click the checkboxes to disable default colors and fonts.
  4. Click Save Changes to finish.

Page Options #back to top

When editing your posts you will have additional page options that allow you to customize the structure of the page. To access them just scroll down to the Page Options & Page Layout sections.

From here you can:

  1. Change the layout of the page.
  2. Choose which sidebar displays on the page.
  3. Enable or disabled the page header.
  4. Enable or disabled the page padding.
  5. Set page header background image
  6. Set page caption and color
  7. Enable or disabled the page breadcrumb.
  8. Enable or disabled the page title and set its alignment
  9. Set page title color

Theme Options #back to top

The Theme Options panel in this theme can be found by going to Appearance => Theme Options.

From there you will find the relevant theme options divided into the following sections:

  1. General
  2. Header
  3. Styling
  4. Contacts & Social
  5. Shop
  6. Footer
  7. Blog
  8. 404
  9. Typography

How to Add Social Icons #back to top

  • From the WordPress dashboard, click Appearance => Theme Options.
  • Next click Contacts & Social from the menu on the left. (Step #3 in the picture below)
  • Under the Social Networks section click Add New. (Step #4 in the picture below)

  • This will display two fields called Title and Link URL. In the Title field type the name of the social network you want to enter e.g. (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). In the link URL field type the link to your page on the social network.
  • To add another social network click Add New and repeat step 4.
  • To edit the information for a saved social network click the grey pencil icon (see step #4 in second picture below) or to delete a saved social network click the red trash can icon. (step #5 in the second picture below).

  • When you have finished entering all of your social networks click Save Changes to finish.

How to add information to the top header area #back to top

  • From the WordPress dashboard, click Appearance => Theme Options.
  • Next click Header from the menu on the left. (Step #3 in the picture below)

  • Scroll down to the section called Top Header Information and click the pencil icon to edit the top header row of information.

  • This will show you all the fields you can edit for the top header. Click Save Changes when you are done.

How to set up an Elementor Header #back to top

  • First you need to build the header section using Elementor. To do that, From the WordPress dashboard, go to Headers=>Add New.
  • Next give the header a title then click Edit with Elementor.
  • After that use the Elementor widgets to build the header then click Publish when you are finished.

  • Next you'll need to add the Elementor header to a header section in the theme. From the WordPress dashboard, go to Apperance=>Theme Options=>Elementor Headers.
  • From here you'll be able to assign the Elementor header to different sections of the site header. To assign it to your desired section, just change the header type dropdown from Theme to Elementor, then select the header from the header list dropdown that appears.

  • Next click Save Changes to finish.

How to set a Homepage #back to top

  1. From the Dashboard go to Appearance=>Customize=>Homepage Settings
  2. Next click A static page
  3. For the Front page displays option select A static page then select the page from the Front page dropdown.

How to add a service#back to top

  1. From the WordPress dashboard, click Services.
  2. Next Click Add New.
  3. You will be presented with a screen similar to the one below.

  4. Click Set Featured image to set an image for the service. Use the Service category section to assign categories to the service and the Add title field allows you to give the service a title.
  5. Scroll down to the Service Options section to give the service a short description.
  6. When finished click Publish to create the service.
  7. Next you will need to add content to the service, to do this click the Edit with Elementor button.

  8. Use the widgets on the left to customize your page then click the Update button when you are finished. Check out the Elementor documentation here for more details on how to work with Elementor.

How to set up Elementor Page Sections#back to top

The theme has options allowing you to assign Elementor headers and footers to individual pages and posts.

When editing a page/post scroll down to the Page Sections. From here you'll be able to assign an Elementor footer or header to the page/post. To assign it, just change the type dropdown from Theme to Elementor, then select the footer or header from the dropdown that appears.

Using Poedit to translate the theme #back to top

  1. Visit to download a copy of Poedit for your system and install it.
  2. Run Poedit and click Create new translation.

  3. Navigate to the download package and go to dental-care/languages. Click on either the default.po or default.pot file.
  4. Choose the language you wish to translate the theme to.

  5. Click on each row of text to highlight the untranslated text and enter the translated text in the Translation field.

  6. When you have finished translating the required text click Save to save the file, this will create a .po and .mo file. It is important that the name you give the file is the same as the WordPress Locale for your language. For example for French the WordPress Locale is fr_FR, for Spanish it is es_ES. For a full list of these locale names visit
  7. With the files saved you need to navigate to the theme’s languages folder on your server. Its address should be wp-content/themes/dental-care/languages. Add both the saved .po and .mo files to this directory.
  8. Go to your WordPress dashboard then click Settings -> General. Scroll down to Site Language. From the list choose the language you wish to translate the site to.

  9. Click Save Changes to Finish.

Using Loco Translate to translate the theme #back to top

  1. To use Loco translate to translate your theme, you first need to install it. To do this click Plugins then Add New.
  2. Next search for Loco Translate then install and activate it.
  3. After Loco translate is installed and activated click Loco translate from the dashboard then click Dental Care.

  4. Next click the New language link.
  5. Select your language from the dropdown then click Start translating

  6. Click the strings of text in the Source Text field you wish to translate and enter the translated version in the field provided.
  7. Repeat this for all the strings then click Save to finish.

Images Used#back to top

NOTE: None of the images used in the demo are included with this theme. Links to each of them can be found below.